Do you want to bleed with me stand naked in need
Always thirsting with a hunger that rips out your soul piece by piece
Leaving you ungodly, unholy hells special breed
Can you embrace the pitch, the darkness where we breed
Never again standing in amazement at the pinks, the reds that a setting sun breaths
For that life again, will never be not if you choose to walk this broken path with me
My mortal lover, my blood I would feed
to keep you forever, for eternity
Do you really desire the heat of the hunt and the deep unrelenting satisfaction it will bring
Or my lover would you weep at seeing your self enjoy the darkest sins that could be conceived
The gift of immortality, of me, your decision I seek
Will you taste the gift, with which I tease
Join me in darkness
I have found that I can smile here, even find a measure of peace.....
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